Christian Brotherhood Motorcycle Riders

CMC Christian Motorcycle Club Brotherhood: A Story of Faith on Two Wheels

A Unique Blend of Hardcore and Holiness

Disciple CMC, founded by James Johnson, is a captivating mix of old-school hardcore MC and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Riding their machines not only with their mates but also with Jesus, these dedicated bikers embody the spirit of brotherhood and Christian values.

Forging a Faith-Based Brotherhood

Christian Motorcycle Clubs have proliferated in recent years, offering a spiritual home for those who share a love of motorcycles and a passion for their faith. Disciple CMC stands apart with its focus on building a community where members can grow spiritually while enjoying the camaraderie and adventure of motorcycle riding.

A Legacy of Service and Discipleship

Desde su fundación en 1969, los CMC cristianos han desempeñado un papel vital en sus comunidades, ofreciendo apoyo a los necesitados y promoviendo los valores tradicionales de los clubes de motociclistas. Disciple CMC continúa esta orgullosa tradición, sirviendo como un faro de esperanza y un testimonio del poder transformador de la fe.

Building Bridges, One Ride at a Time

A través de sus paseos y eventos, Disciple CMC busca tender puentes entre diferentes grupos de personas, uniendo a motociclistas de todas las edades y orígenes bajo el estandarte de la fe. Su mensaje de amor, aceptación y esperanza resuena profundamente, fomentando la unidad y el respeto mutuo.

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